GOAL: Creating an interactive story where the user chooses between crossroads to determine their fate
SYNPOSIS: Individual Project | Winter 2018 | Python
KEY SKILLS: Graphs, dictionary | User input | Nested while loops | Parsing text file

Key Process:

  1. Parse the text file to create a graph representing the choices the user has at each stage
  2. Set the first crossroad the user has to choose between to be the current position in the graph
  3. Depending on the letter the user inputs, reassign the current position in the graph to be the next crossroad in the user’s route chosen
  4. Continue reassigning the current position until the story comes to an end, represented by the fact that there are no more crossroads (aka: the node has no adjacent vertices)
  5. Ask the user if they want to play again. If the user says yes, reassign the current position to be the first crossroad (aka: the start vertex). If the user says no, break out of the outer while loop using a boolean and end the program